Archive for March, 2010

He likes snakes

Tuesday, March 30th, 2010


My cat, I call him Guster or Gus (his name is Augustus)…has some pretty yucky habits.  He’s a killer!  A hitman!  A murderer!

Yea, that’s a good thing….I know.  But, he likes to bring them up to my backdoor for me to see.  Ewww!  Not a fan!

I’m trying to look at it like the glass is half full.  At least he’s keeping these creatures from getting inside my house!  Right?

Yep, that’s his job!  And I’m keeping him happy!


Monday, March 29th, 2010

During this season of Lent I haven’t given up anything in particular.  I haven’t ever focused on this sort of self-denial ideal in my faith walk.  Not because I think I’m so special or good.  Just that, as a follower of Christ…I’ve chosen to deny myself many things to live as an obedient servant….everyday.  I’ve never really heard (in the circles I’ve been a part of….preacher boys, seminary type folk) of giving up Coca Cola for Lent or chocolate.  It’s not been something of necessity.

(please do not misread me….I’m not claiming that giving up something is not good for the Christian to do)

I try to live in moderation.  I don’t overeat, drink alcohol or smoke and I don’t hang out in places that a mama my age shouldn’t.  I’m reserved.  Conservative.  I try to walk the line.  I care about my reputation and hope to honor God with my life…in everyway.

But, I’m not perfect!  I fail.  I goof up.  I fall short.  A lot!

This week, I’ve taken on a FAST.  Why?  Because I felt God wanted me to.  I haven’t misbehaved or gone over the top.  I just knew that I needed to stop and think about how I spend my money.  I don’t have much of it to blow in the first place.   But, I’m the queen of justification.  I can spend $2 bucks here and there and have crazy junk to show for it (THAT I DON’T NEED!!).

My fast is that I will not spend money on “whatever” this week.  Today(Monday) through Easter Sunday.  If it’s not in my budget or on my grocery list……I ain’t buying it!  Period!  I’m not a wild willy-nilly spender anyway.  But, I’m choosing to walk away from ANY SWEET DEAL that may appeal to my shopping desires!

Call it a denial if you want…..I’m feeling good about my decision already.  I know that God has a lesson for me and it may be a bit more painful than I’m actually anticipating.  Pray for me.  I just might be up against more than I can handle!

What I know:

Most wealth comes from saving.

People who spend all of their money have no money.


Deuteronomy 8:18 says, “Always remember that it is the Lord your God who gives you power to become rich.” And Psalm 24:1 tells us, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.”

I missed it (CLASS OF 84)

Sunday, March 28th, 2010

Last night was my high school class reunion. In Florida. Over 1000 miles away. Yea, I couldn’t make it! It was a bit far and a lot expensive to travel there again (after just being there 2 weeks ago).

I was anticipating the event for months. A friend bought my ticket to attend (cause he’s nice like that). But it went unused. Twenty six years is a long time to be out of school. From the pictures…..everyone looks the same, like someone’s parents! 🙂

Senior yearbook picture

I’m at the top, left photo!

Over the last few months, I’ve spoken with several classmates who shared pretty sad stuff about their lives in high school. Some experienced terrible bullying while other’s were living in horrible abuse at home. It reminded me just how little we know each other in school. I thought I knew my friends well. Obviously, I didn’t.

Very sad……and terribly heartbreaking!

My own experiences were fairly positive. I didn’t have a problem with bullying. I loved school and getting to see friends. My social butterfly gene runs deep! I was always looking for fun (not the party girl kind)! Most of the fun was geared around my BFF’s Joy and Sonja. We could make any event a blast!

It was the 80's! Short shorts were in!

I can’t help but smile thinking back on those days. I guess that’s why I’m so sad I wasn’t there to share in reminiscing with the people who knew me while I was “growing” up. You know that “if you could see me now” thinking? I’m not who I was in HS. I’m much better, I’m improved and refined in many ways.

I'm the 3rd from the right (pink dress)

I’m grown up and mature. I’ve learned so much about life and I hope they have too. The things we thought were important back then….really weren’t so important afterall. I wanted to see who, what, when, where and how in each of their lives. I was hoping to see lives that were changed because of what Christ had done. But, I missed it!

I’ve looked at some of the pictures this morning. Many friends look just the same…..other’s, I don’t even recognize. That’s how it is with life. We change. Sometimes for the good and sometimes for the bad. I couldn’t help but wonder what they would have said about me. {Had I changed, That I looked the same (not), She’s fat/ugly/old lady/didn’t age well?). I think that’s normal. Right?

Me on the top row!

I’m on top row, 3rd photo.

I may never see any of them again. So many of my classmates have passed on. That happens when you’ve been out of school for 26 years. We get old! We face adversity, illness, car accidents and for some, suicide. Time is a racer! It gets away from us before we know it. And then we wake up one day… realize we’ve been out of school for______?!

Of all the things I feel this morning……the one that keeps coming back to me is, am I living my life in a way that honors God? Does my life count for more than just being someone’s wife and mom? If I were to answer those questions, I’d have to say…..sometimes.

I’m happy that the reunion was fun! From the pictures it looked like many were able to pick right back up where they left off. That’s great! I know that things happen for a reason and there’s always another chance……maybe I can attend the event for next year. The entire 1980’s graduation era will be hosting a reunion downtown in my hometown of Wauchula. Hardee High School 80’s Decade Reunion!


Me, the summer before senior year

Note: To see the entire picture, you’ll have to click to enlarge.

Is it weird….

Saturday, March 27th, 2010

–to think your kids are the coolest?
–to love being a parent of teenagers?
–to see people with unruly kids in the store and think….glad they’re theirs!?
–to wish for snow days….just to be stuck home with your family?
–to enjoy preparing good foods & even cleaning up the mess?
–to like sharing your “stuff” with your daughters? (clothes, shoes & makeup)
–to see your kids at school and get excited that they belong to you?
–to stay up late talking about “life” with your teenagers?
–to love texting with your kids when they’re out & about?
–to celebrate with one of your kids when something they’ve been wanting arrives by UPS?
–to pray for your kids to turn out better than you?
–to see your kids as if they were still little (even though they aren’t)?
–to claim good things over your family’s lives when bad things are happening?
–to wish you could freeze time?
–to think of letting go?

If so, then I’m a total weirdo!  I feel those things about my family. I love them and enjoy being around them. I pray God uses each of them to make this world a better place. And that I realize, He used me in some small way to assist.

Psalm 127:3-5a
Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.

IKEA + ME = True Love Forever

Thursday, March 25th, 2010

I could spend hours in that place! Oh yea, I did! Today, the girls and I had a fun opportunity to hit Cinci with Mrs. Betsy and Isaac for a day of IKEA shopping. It was so much fun! Even though it was rainy and gloomy out. We wandered all over the store picking out pretty things to enhance our homes.

I mean, come on……it’s IKEA! Who doesn’t like that place? It’s a bit addicting. Not everything in the store is my style. But there are plenty of awesome things to mix in with what I have to make my house look amazing! So much of it is priced fantastic too. I love that!

This time we ate lunch while we were there. The swedish meatball meal is delicious and so was the yummy dessert. Ally found a duvet for her down comforter to match her room (score….$14) and a lampshade to go with it. Both look great! I could go on and on.

My heart feels warm and fuzzy for you IKEA! Thanks for a great day!

Ally, Gates & Isaac

Clean sweep

Thursday, March 25th, 2010

Today was a day of cleaning out. The girls and I slept in, ate a late breakfast and then got to it. Each of us going into seperate rooms to do some damage. My room of choice was Gavin’s. It was beginning to look like a dump (and nobody’s even living there)! I really want to remodel the whole shebang…..but, seriously….the dude still lives there when he comes home. It’s HIS room! I can’t take it away just because he’s gone to college…..can I?

No! I can’t!

I boxed up stuff and packed it away. I weeded out shoes and clothes for a Goodwill pile. I scrubbed down spider webs in his bathroom and cleaned up the floor. I even washed sheets.

(Rumor has it…..grandparents are coming soon for a visit!) 🙂

The girls made huge piles of items for Goodwill. We seem to accumalate so much stuff and we’re poor! How do we do it? I plan on making some changes. I read a great post today about a lady that went on a spend fast. She didn’t buy ANYTHING that was not on the LIST of needs. Not a Goodwill $2 shirt, not a meal out…..not even extra food items on sale. She was F A S T I N G !!!

So….I’m challenging myself! Soon, I forgot I’m going to IKEA tomorrow. I can’t very well begin this very moment. This day has been planned for weeks. I don’t want to flunk my fast right out of the gate. I plan to start on Monday and end on the following Sunday.

Who knows….maybe I’ll see just how little I really need to be happy! Life isn’t about stuff anyway, right?

I’m indulgent! I like things. Stuff sometimes makes me feel safe and comfortable. I don’t want to live like that. I want freedom. Freedom to be financially stable and at peace with how I use my money (that you’ve entrusted to me). Help me……be a better steward of the resources I’ve been given.