Archive for May, 2010

Happy Birthday Gavin

Monday, May 31st, 2010

How did this happen? He’s my baby! Where did 20 years go? I’ve just gotten started being his mom. Time, you are chasing me down and running me over. Stop it, please!?

My sweetboy. I’ve been in love with you since the day I found out I was pregnant. I had been praying for a son for as long as I could remember. Little did I know he’d bless me with the greatest one ever. You’re the kind of son every parent dreams of. Dad and I couldn’t be more proud of you.

This is going to be a very exciting year for you. I pray that you continue to make wise choices and honor God with your life. It’s easy to go with the flow….it’s hard work to go against it. God will help you in everything you do. You can always count on Dad and I to be there too.

It just flips me out that we have moved on from legos and hot wheel tracks to looking for stuff for your first apartment. Eeek! Someday, you’ll understand the grip these realities have on my heart. It’s all bittersweet for me. I’m looking forward to what God has in store for your future.

No matter how old you get….you’ll always be my sweetboy! 🙂



He’s like family

Sunday, May 30th, 2010

Today we partied with our best friends (Dale & Tabbi).  We’ve been friends a long time.  Our kids have grown up together.  We love them and they love us.  Even with all of our busy lives…..when we are reunited after a long hiatus, we pick right back up as if time hadn’t even separated us.  That’s REAL FRIENDS!!

Their oldest son, Nicholas graduated on Friday night from Christian Academy in Indiana.  Yay to you Nick!  What an exciting time in your life!  We pray God uses you in a mighty way. 


Nicholas (THE MAN) GO 2010!!

Nicholas, Nathan & Gavin (tall handsome boys)

WHY I ATTEND PARTIES!!! (yes, I’m a punchaholic)

Cool cake…even if it is a Boilermaker motif!

Nicholas & Gavin (facing a great big world)

Don & Gavin zinging along.

Ally & Gates out on the dock

Tyler & Ally

Gates & Me in the hammock. We were tired from the paddleboat.

I paddled over to jump on this trampoline (Gates wouldn’t let me)

Congratulations, Nicholas! We’re so proud of you! We loved your party too. Thanks for sharing your special celebration with our family. WE LOVE YOU!!

He knows me…

Wednesday, May 26th, 2010

It’s amazing how God works.  Just when you need a special touch….He’s there!  Yesterday, I struggled with writing my feelings for the world to see.  They were very personal and I honestly do not want to play the smear game.  That’s not why I shared any of it.  My heart and head have been in a battle with how to handle my feelings.

So I wrote it down.

Later in the night….I noticed a friend had posted on my Facebook status.  Her words were like a healing salve rubbed gently on a tender wound.  She didn’t have to say anything.  She had been forgiven a long time ago.  But God knew.  He knew just what I needed in a time of vulnerability.  She shared a little piece of her heart and I’m forever grateful.

I was reminded…..He loves me.  He’s watching over me.

I never have to fight any battle!  He’s all I need!


I’m rich!  I’m abundantly blessed because of you.  Your love for me blows my mind.  Thank you for sending my special friend to me just when I needed it most.  I pray for her and her family.  They are facing challenges that only you know of.  Help them face each with courage and honor.  Thank you for forgiveness.  It’s so sweet to live free.


PS: Tonight, another friend sent something so encouraging after returning home from a school event.  Again, healing words at just the right time!  GOD, YOU ROCK!!!

Time’s up!

Monday, May 24th, 2010

I’ve been thinking of an old hurt. I don’t like to but it seems impossible not to. Circumstances have made it an “in your face” issue. It’s hard to explain how I feel about it. Because I’m not feeling unforgiving or resentful.

I guess I feel sad.

Someone purposefully set out to hurt  my family. It was devastating! We nearly lost everything. Our kids, didn’t deserve that. But they were victims in the path of the storm.

Each of us carry scars.

Death doesn’t stop the hurt. If anything, I think it might magnify it. “I’m sorry” could have eased the pain. But it was never said.

We weren’t the only ministry family. He was instrumental in the destruction of another. A loving family that still struggles with ridicule and embarrassment undeservedly.

Gossip, truth-twisting and lies never go hand-in-hand with Christian leadership.  Sadly, it doesn’t go unnoticed by Him.

I pray. God, reveal the sin in my heart. Do not let me rest until I right my wrong….against you and another. I don’t want to face you with that when my time is up. Amen.

He only is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my Defense and my Fortress, I shall not be moved. Psalm 62:6

Always a kid

Friday, May 21st, 2010

My guys are so funny! I love em! They are curious, imaginitive and at times kinda annoying! But if they weren’t, they wouldn’t be them! I have a hard time not laughing when the two of them are up to something. We call it “shenanigans”. My hubby (who likes to think of himself VERY MATURE and LEVELHEADED) is certainly the #1 instigator of “great ideas”.

He did practically spit our son out! They tend to think alike and come up with some wild ADD/ADHD stuff. At times, I think….”I’m going to hurt them!”. They can really push your buttons (coming from a NON-ADD/ADHD person). I’ve had to learn the ways of the extra active brainiacs!

Really, I love them! Very much!

This is a little game of what I call….Who’s taller? They still play it often!

Handsome college age son vs. dear old dad! Don’t ya just wanna hug em? I do!

Land of the free

Wednesday, May 19th, 2010

Ever think about your freedom? What about how blessed you are to live in this country? I don’t want to live anywhere else. I’m a proud American citizen! I realize it’s not tit-for-tat traveling from one country to another. I’m blessed…and if you live in the USA you’re blessed too!

Thank you God for my home!