Archive for November, 2011

Season’s Changing

Wednesday, November 30th, 2011

The snow has finally made it’s way to Indiana. After having the craziest warm weather through fall we’ve officially received a little snowflake action! It’s about time, dude! I love the fluffy white stuff….except when my kids are driving in it!

Curses to you slippery roads and whacko drivers. Myself included. πŸ˜‰

Remember me confessing that my house is bare of all Christmas decorations? Well, that’s not the case anymore. Hubby dug out the decoration boxes and together we spruced up the G-way house (just a little) and we plan on picking out a fresh tree one night this week to complete the festive spirit here. Yay, us!

What I’d really like to do is get my shop on at Hobby Lobby. That place is loaded with the Christmas, ya’ll! Please tell me I’m not the only one who wants to buy MORE CHRISTMAS STUFF? It’s like a sickness or something.

Pray for me!

My family has also been working on their Christmas wish lists. They’ve not missed a year, scribbling out those lists. It’s a little costlier every year– Big kids = Big money!

I have some big wishes myself.

[1] A little trip H E R E !!

[2] A pair of these babies in size 6 1/2 please.

No, I’m not rich. I just have expensive taste, Darn it!

[3] A long weekend escape ALONE WITH MY HUSBAND. Somewhere fun, preferably.

[4] A family trip to NYC! Could you imagine the fun?

That’s not too much to ask is it? Oh I kid. Those are just my “if money were no object” wishes. I’m a realistic gal and cheap too. I’ll take having a white Christmas bundled up with happy kids over any expensive gift anyday. Wouldn’t you?

What’s special on your wish list this year?

No Order To My System

Tuesday, November 29th, 2011

I wish I could say that I’m much more organized when it comes to my makeup but as you’ll see here today…I’m not. Over the many years that I’ve been putting on “my face” I’ve tried several methods of storage. I’ve used fancy makeup cases, Goody containers and now a simple 3 drawer storage bin to hold my most cherished liquid love.

Who can live without FOUNDATION?

Don’t answer that. I hate you flawless skinned beauties! Such is the life of a freckled-face girl! All of my {purty} relies heavily on some good foundation(much like my faith). Thank you, dear inventor of makeup foundation. I can hide safely behind you everyday and not reveal the real me. But I can’t do that with my Christianity.

I can hide behind a facade of goodness or Jesus words to make other’s think I’m “Christlike”, but they’ll know I’m just posing. Classic example? What your kids think about you. If you’re ever curious of whether you’re living outloud for Christ–screen out your kids opinion of you. NOTE: This could be painful (and if you’re kid is mad at you, jaded)! But usually, you’re going to get the truth.

You can pretend to be faithful to other’s but you can NEVER fool your kids.

Just like my makeup drawer, I see areas in my faithwalk that need organizing. I tend to skip around and customize my needs when it comes to God. Tell me I’m not the only one? I recognize full well that it’s slowing me down and until I make the changes that are necessary….my battle against my own flesh will continue.

I’ve come up with a plan. I want to get some order to my system. As my husband says, “Enough dilly-dallying!”.

(1) Read my Bible. Everyday.
(2) Pray. Alone, with my hubby & with my family.
(3) Study from a devotional or some other source.
(4) Pray for friends, family & other’s in need.
(5) Encourage those around me.
(6) Repeat. Daily.

Sounds simple enough, right? It’s strange how jumbled up I can make that list. With just a little effort and organization, it can turn my day around and put order to my system. My faith system! Won’t you join me?

Checking My Blessings

Monday, November 28th, 2011

I’ve had the greatest holiday break. God has poured out His blessings on me and my family and this week has been exceptionally special. I’m so thankful for His work in my life and I don’t want to miss any opportunity to give Him the credit.

My family enjoyed good food, shopping time, hanging out with best friends, a new car, painting a pretty room and going to see a good movie. It’s been a fun weekend full of family time and getting “stuff” accomplished. Plus, Gavin finally sold his other car! Celebration!

How blessed can a mama get? I even managed to clean out the silverware drawer this weekend. It was long overdue (and that’s all I’ll say on that). I was able to order a special gift for someone for Christmas thanks to a whopping sale. Yippee. I love finding stuff on my list for a bargain. Don’t you?

Someone got a new bed…

She likes. Which I like since she literally stood right beside me the entire day as I cooked Thanksgiving dinner. Poor dog, she was so exhausted by the time dinner came around that she crashed. πŸ˜‰

Sweet little faithful friend.

Since I was so busy having a ton of fun….I managed to skip out on any Christmas decorating. I guess you know what I’ll end up doing this week, eh?

Welcome back to reality, friends! πŸ™‚ Christmas time is just around the corner. Are you ready?

Wanna Follow?

Sunday, November 27th, 2011

Oh my goodness! After months of thinking Pinterest was snubbing me….I’m finally able to join the club!

Somehow, my invite got shuffled into spam/junk mail in my email! Darn it!

Anywho! That’s all bridge under the water now. I’m in, ya’ll!

I’ve been busy pinning my little head off today and whew, I think I’m going to need an extra day off to catch my boards up! Not going to happen, I know!

Just wishing!

So, want to check it out?

Follow Me on Pinterest

I LOVE PINTEREST!! In case you somehow missed it! Hey, and don’t judge how skimpy my boards are–remember, I’m a “newbie”!! hehe

He Rewards You

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011

I read the greatest devotion this morning. Picture with me, if you will….a mom. She puts together this elaborate fun event for her two kids. The story doesn’t go into great detail about all that she did, but I can imagine she made it pretty special (Mama’s are just like that, right?).

After everything was said and done….the kids were off playing with their special guests and her husband was busy in his office. She stood in the wake of it all and took in the BIG MESS she still had to clean up. Tell me, can you relate? I know I can.

As the mom, we get all the dirty jobs. We tend to be the ones who overdo and go all out to make everything special for our families. Sometimes to the extent of exhaustion and resentment. Ever felt mad at everyone because you were left doing ALL THE WORK? Haha! Me too, friend!

The verse that went along with devo totally blessed my socks off. I’m quick to get overwhelmed, especially at holiday time. There is so much to do, so many dishes to prepare and the mess? Oh my word, I wash and wash until my hands shrivel up! That’s just how it is with big meals and celebrations. It’s easy to fall into feeling sorry for yourself. But God doesn’t want us to do that. He reminds us in Ephesians 6:8 “because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free”.

You and I don’t have to get all frizzed out over lazy family members not helping. Everything we do, we do for HIM (even though what were doing is for them too). The reward comes from Christ. If we seek and crave the praise and satisfaction from our loved ones and friends, we are doomed for disappointment. Seriously! We will run into frustration everytime.

So as you “work” to prepare the yummy foods and festive atmosphere tonight and tomorrow just remember WHO you are REALLY doing good for, J E S U S !!

In Memory of Bill Morgan

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2011

I went to sleep with a heavy heart last night. That’s what happens when late night calls deliver sad news. For a family spread across the entire USA….news of a loved one’s death stings even a little harder than normal. The best way to describe it is helplessness. It’s hard to be over a thousand miles away when something like this happens.

Family needs family.

He was a devoted husband, a great father, a loving brother and so much more to all who knew him. In the 23 years that I’ve been a part of this family…I’ve never heard one negative thing about him. William (Bill) Morgan was the oldest son of Earl & Marie Morgan. I know him as my mother-in-law’s big brother. She tells stories of how they used to hang out with the same crowd growing up (much like my own 3 kids do now).

Over the years, the funny stories filled with Morgan shenanigans mostly stemmed from his ideas. He had a way of finding the fun or the funny in life. Anytime I was ever around him, he was smiling and making someone laugh. He was a happy person (no matter what life handed him) who made those around him feel joyful too. He passed that joy onto his kids.

Bill loved doing things with his family. I’ve heard so many times of how he would come home from work and play games with his kids. If you’re a parent, you know how hard it is to feel like playing around after a long day of work. Bill didn’t miss those chances with his kids. He made many memories that his kids will never forget. He helped mold them into the people they are today and they are each amazing people. He was so proud of them and they knew it.

I’m thankful for the family I’ve married into. They are special in so many ways. They’ve taught me a lot in terms of love, forgiveness and acceptance. It’s a blessing to be a part of such a legacy. It’s an honor to have known such a special man and uncle as Bill Morgan. May he be remembered by all who knew him.

I pray your peace fills my family now. The miles between us feel so far but your love and care is everywhere. Bless them as they make decisions and honor their Dad. Thank you for sharing him with our family.

Tom (youngest), Bill & Mary