Archive for April, 2012

Just Mossing Around

Monday, April 30th, 2012

My hubby has been sprucing our yard up a bit. No easy task when you live under the tallest trees ever. Flowers are just a pipe dream for people like me. If it cannot survive in the constant shade, it ain't living here. But it's nice and breezy!


This is the pond emptied and gross during the clean-out!


Blowing away the fall leaves and fallen limbs.


This is my new flower bed that he built for me.  He planted some beautiful Clematis bulbs along with some other shade/sun loving plants.  The new pup thought it was her new DIGGING PLAYGROUND and then the fancy chicken wire had to be put around it.  FANCY, HUH?

Yesterday, he climbed up on our roof and cleaned out our ancient gutters. While up there he scraped off some very useful moss and relocated it to my front walkway. Thank you Honey, it's really pretty!  Plus, he took it a step further and made a moss growing concoction with Buttermilk and painted the rocks around my pond.  Yay, more moss!


After some rain, everything turned even greener and made itself at home forever where it was planted.  I like that!  It's almost like I can have a pretty shady yard.


The pond is cleaned and a new family of fish have been moved in ….hubby believes the frogs have returned (I accidentally scooped out all the baby larvae) to lounge around our little oasis.  Life is booming around my palace.


It doesn't take much to make me happy (no comment, hubby) when it comes to yardwork.  I love just about any improvement that takes place.  I know that a beautiful yard takes work much like a strong relationship does with Christ.  I've been lazy in both.  I miss opportunities to lounge in His presence just like I miss mowing because I go do something more fun—only to have rain when I'm home and available.  The yard ends up showing it's neglect just as my heart and attitude.

I need the Master Gardener in my life and I don't want to miss a chance for pruning even when it's painful.  I can tell when the weeds and vines are out of hand (of my heart) when tensions rise and frustrations are plenty.  I appreciate how God so gently loves on me and calls me to Him.

Like a beautiful yard….I want to be pleasing to my Lord when He looks at me — I pray my life is a reflection of Him and His love inside me.    


Thank you for the picture of your love for me through the beauty of my surroundings.  I'm nothing without you but a bucket of weeds and dried up rocks.  Help me to tend to the garden of my heart and make me grow to be more like you!



Online Conference

Friday, April 27th, 2012

I'm pumped!  It's not only Friday (my fave day) but this is the day of the (in)courage gal's (in)RL conference!  I love this blog and the ladies who write there everyday.  I signed up a few weeks ago to join up online with them as they bring their reader's closer through this techy connection!

Don't you love the internet?  And all it can do?  WOW!

The sessions are at random times throughout today and tomorrow.  Some have even gone so far as to connect IN REAL LIFE at strategic locations.  Since I'm working, I can't really join up with anyone near me (which closest is like, Louisville).  No matter, I'm still able to link up when I get time throughout the day and watch at my leisure.  After midnight tonight, I can watch any of the sessions that I've missed today.

Love this!  Thanks to all the precious ladies for putting this cool resource together.  What a great team they are!


I hope you have a great weekend!  Love on those God puts IN your REAL LIFE!


Thespian Society

Thursday, April 26th, 2012

Once again, a Galloway girl takes the stage for JCHS's Thespian Society induction. The sad part….is that it's the baby and these lasts are coming at us strong.  I'm not whining, just making a mental note to savour each little milestone.  I've walked this road before and I know there isn't one thing I can do to slow time.  So, I'm embracing it and tagging along for the special moments….like a good mom!

Isn't she cute?


Each student who earns their way in….gets to sign the fancy Thespian Society register.  I think it's really neat to see both my girls on the list.  Both of them have put in the long hours and dedication by playing many characters over the years. That entails lots of practices and many weekends of shows.  Way to go, Gates!

Members.  Fancy!

Lighting her candle with the outgoing president, Jacob Green.  It's always fun playing with fire, right?


What a great teacher and leader Mrs. Susan Jarboe has been to both my girls.  She is one of those educator's–  You know the ones…who pull out all the greatness inside of you that you're not so sure is there (when you're a punky freshman).  She teaches you more than just drama, she shows you how to do life with flair!  I know what that's like.  I can still remember my own drama teacher.  She invested in me and really let me be my crazy creative self and it was so much fun!

Three drama queens!  The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree, y'all!  I admit it.  I might have spilled a little of my knack for the arts onto my children.  I loved the stage as a kid and even more now that my kids are on it.

Congratulations Miss Gates!  What a joy it has been watching you morph into so many characters.  I look forward to another year of shows!

Break a leg!


Ok, I’m Counting

Thursday, April 26th, 2012





School is winding down here in the Hoosier state and I couldn't be more happy!  Before we can wrap the schoolyear up–we have some very important celebrations to conquer.  Prom & Senior Trip!

I'm working both.  But don't feel sorry for me, I love this time of year and both of these fun events.  The only problem, I don't have a cute dress yet for Prom night (NEXT WEEKEND)!!  I usually have something by now.  Don't ask, I've looked and nothing has felt right.

Patience, grasshopper!

I'm also happy to say that my husband is back home after a long week of working up north.  So, if you're a murderer and had plans of visiting my house….exnay on the urdermay!  We are loved and protected once again by the big dude we call DAD!     B E W A R E !!

One more reason to be happy?


Tonight is a special night for my baby, Gates too!  She's going to be inducted into the Thespian Society (drama club) at school.  It is quite an honor and she is very deserving of the invitation.  Yay, Gates!

So, I hope your day is full of love and funny people.  It's the best way to spend a Thursday….don't you think?


Let’s Make Fun Cause We’re So Smart

Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

Surely you've heard about the "funny" little spoof (video) Ashley Judd & friends have circulating for the world to see.  Oh, it's funny!  I mean, abortion is always hilarious…right?  Or shall I say, poking fun about it is anyway.  You may watch it and think the focus is strictly directed at Rick Santorum.  But it isn't.  What these star power gals (WHO are the other actresses again?) are trying to say is that anyone with CONSERVATIVE VALUES and who believe abortion is actually murder are idiots!

How pathetic!  I don't find the video funny nor do I find any of them intelligent.  Oh, it was creative in a mocking, slapyourmama kind of way.  But the best way I can think to describe it is  P O O R   T A S T E !!

I'm not a Rick Santorum supporter, so don't get the idea that I'm complaining because I'm all offended for my ex-candidate.  He's a man of integrity (as far as I'm concerned) but he wasn't my choice for a Presidential candidate!  The guy is getting picked on for his conservative beliefs.  Always classy, huh?  Make fun of the religious weirdos!

I find the whole idea (video) insulting.

I also don't want you to get the wrong idea about WHO INFLUENCES me.  I'm not looking to HOLLYWOOD STARS for my decisions or ideals.  I like to keep my eyes focused in the direction of Christ and His word.  So far, it's never steered me in a direction that hurt or embarrassed me….ever!  Matter of fact, it has been the place I find the most comfort in a world gone mad.  The Ashley Judd's of this life are going to have to do much more than put out a spoof of garbage to change my heart.

So, my message to Ashley and her friends is this–you are an embarrassment to me as a woman/mother/American.  Your opinion is just that, yours.  If you want to poke fun of those who value life and stand strong for it…that's your right.  However, it will never make it right in my eyes or many other's who believe like I do.  God doesn't make mistakes, people do.


Monday, April 23rd, 2012

I have no idea what makes me do some of the kooky stuff I do.  Please tell me that when your husband is out of town–you are a bit apprehensive about safety too.  It's not that I'm walking around a nervous wreck.  I just set myself up with my wild imagination.  Cause everybody knows bedtime is when the crazies come out.


I've come up with a list of DON'T DO's while your husband is out of town.  Oh and don't act like you've never done any of these.  


1)  Don't watch real life murder mystery cases (ALL DAY LONG).  Eventually, you'll have to go to bed and everything gets uber scary once the lights go out!

2)  Don't decide to move heavy furniture/mattresses by yourself.  It looks easy but trust me, you will strain a muscle and end up limping around.

3)  Don't go to bed with the doors unlocked (even if someone's still not home).  When you wake up the next morning and see it, you WILL freak out!

4)  Don't ignore stinky smells coming from your living room.  When you move heavy furniture you just might find that your daughter's boyfriend's puppy left a poopoo present…weeks ago!

5)  Don't let your BIG son leave for the night after you've watched scary murder mystery shows all day.  There's great comfort in knowing a man cub is down the hall.  Only he's not, if he spends the night away.  So, you get scared!

I know what you're thinking…..that all I do is worry about getting murdered.  So, I'll just put your mind at ease.  I only think that when I know my hubby is so far away that he can't save me.  I love how safe I feel when my dude is home.  I don't worry about bad guys intruding or jobs that take big muscles.  I know he's there and can take care of business.

True love = safety.

It's worth being said….husband's take care of their families in a multitude of ways.  In my case, my hubby will do many of the things I despise.  He kills bugs, chases away snakes, cleans up puke/poop,  moves stuff around and sometimes even locks up doors.  One of my favorite blessings?  He drives at night…..

Without him, I'm just a scaredy-cat!