Archive for November, 2012

Is It Just Me?

Thursday, November 29th, 2012

I could hear the slamming and bamming.  I knew something was wrong, but with teen daughters…it could've been anything.  They're moody.  They get in a tizzy and sometimes they lose their cool.  Much like their moms.  This noise, it kept going and then I could hear frustration groans.  Maybe they were cries both sound about the same.  So, I headed in to investigate.

My girl was mad, again.  I shrunk her new clothes.  These days seem to be filled with hot under the collar moments.  No matter what time of day or the situation, I'm in some sort of hot water with someone.  It's like all that rocking & reading, preparing favorite meals and doing fun kid stuff is long forgotten.  Suddenly, I suck.  I can't do anything right and I offend everyone.

Yep, I'm a mom.

If you're a mom and your kids are above the age of say, 17….are you feeling anything like me?  I only ask because I could really use some cheerleaders on my team that will assure me this is going to pass, sooner rather than later.  I'm tired. 

Somebody please tell me other moms are tired too?!?!

Being a parent is hard work.  I think the teen years might be even more difficult than the baby/toddler days.  I have the same goals that I did back then; keep em alive, raise them to be productive adults and try to make their lives enjoyable.  But how can I help them be their best when I want to fall apart myself?


Help me be the mom YOU WANT ME to be.  I seem to get caught up with people pleasing and I get the feeling…that's not what's best.  Forgive me for trying to do YOUR job & mine.



Death by Turbo Fire

Wednesday, November 28th, 2012

May I begin this post by confessing….. I make no claim to be a super star health nut.  I haven't worked out in a very long time.  Like, I can't remember doing any "aerobic" type movements other than walking in many months.

I AM OUT OF SHAPE!  shame shame shame

So, to show you just how desperate I am….I joined some other gals today and played like I could "do it to" and worked out to a tape of TURBO FIRE!  Also now known in my heart as TURBO KILLER!  There are no words to describe how awkward I felt trying to jab and double time and to-the-right all while not looking like a complete grandma.

Which I totes did.  Just call me Myrtle.  I am old.

The video had no warm up.  Who's not stretching?  Geez, is that out these days?  I feel like I'm lost in the world of hot workouts.  I should have been keeping up with that, huh?  Anyway, by the first fire alarm (which gets super intense at that point) I was huffing & puffing!  Begging for mercy!

By the time I escaped got out of there, I was sweating and my heart was pounding.  Which says to me….that Turbo Fire is either going to kill me or make me stronger!

Come on body….you can do it!


Wednesday, November 28th, 2012

I was watching the local news last night when the big story was a Christmas bandit robs elderly couple.  The yearly tradition for them was to cover their entire yard with Christmas decorations.  It was one of those busy decorated yards with lights and blow up characters everywhere.  Each year, they add more goodies to their collection to share with all who come by.  Except this year, somebody who thought a little more of himself than other's decided to steal what they had worked so hard with love, time & money to create.

The couple had surveillance cameras that captured the culprit in the act.  Not only did he steal once…but he came back again another night and helped himself to some more decorations. 

Who does that, right?  I can't imagine enjoying anything that I stole from someone else.  How do these people actually use what they steal?  What a sad state of the heart.

During the interview, they were asked what they would like to see happen to the criminal who stole their Christmas decorations.  Without missing a beat, the older man described how he'd like to physically beat the person up.  He wanted nothing more than to harm this person who hurt him by taking what was his.  A Christmas decoration.  The wife went a step further.  She told the reporter that she wanted to hit the criminal with a board full of nails, in the head.  Harsh!

I'm not in anyway condoning the stealing of anyone's lawn decorations.  I can't fathom finding joy or peace in stealing anything, ever.  But what caught my attention was the revenge they felt was acceptable.  No matter what offense comes our way….it's never a good idea to lash out with physical violence.  The need to go that far worries me.  What is our society coming to?  An eye for an eye?  Watching the story just hurt my heart.  I hurt for their loss and the meanness that went along with it and I hurt for the condtion of their hearts that would have them respond with such a payback mentality.

You and I don't have to live like that.  It's not necessary, ever.  God has all the wrongdoing stuff covered.  He can and will provide all the retribution needed.  We may not see it or know about it…but we can trust Him that he's got it handled.

Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.  Romans 12:19


I pray for this couple who have clearly been violated by someone who chose to steal from them.  I understand the helpless feeling of being robbed.  Help each of us to see moments like this as a time to forgive and show other's how to do the same.  Stealing is wrong but so is revenge.  Forgive us for our wicked ways.


Going My Weigh?

Monday, November 26th, 2012

I'm a little nervous.  Today is the big WEIGH IN for the staff weight loss group.  I do not want the number "out there".  I know its vicinity but somehow I've convinced my brain that if I don't say it or share it….I can pretend I don't actually weigh it.

Know what I'm sayin?

How did this happen to me?  I bet every single woman that's picked up a few pounds over her lifetime has asked the very same question.  Just yesterday (and I have pictures, dangit!) I was skinny and tiny.  Now, I have to buy different sizes and wear clothes to hide my pesky little imperfections.  It's exhausting!

It's also depressing!

I'm not going to wallow there.  I've been doing that long enough.  It's time to get off my butooskie and do something about it.  Getting in shape isn't going to happen by eating whatever I want and sitting around.  Like the good ole days!  I have to get physical and I cannot eat everything I love.

I'm the master of excuses, so behold…..I'll just tell you straight up, I think I might have a knee problem.  It flairs up when I least expect it and recently, walking up and down my staircase at home has been tricky.  Curse you, 46 year old body! Another thing, I'm getting concerned that my ticker is in poor condition too.  I seem to be racing along after only going up and down the stairs and getting the dog out of her kennel.  Oh glory, please don't fail me….old shell of a body.  Hang on, just a little longer.  I promise, I'll treat you better.

I thought I'd share a few of my NEW WAYS OF LIVING that are my strategies for losing a few pounds and getting in better shape.  Ready?


Fruits & Veggies every meal with a protein.

VERY limited sweets.  Only rarely will these touch my lips!  Swear, y'all!


Limited white foods:  Flour, bread, rice, potato & cream sauce.  I can do it!

Low amounts of sugars.  I mean it!

Fish.  2-4 times a week.

Exercise:  Walking, exercise vid's, jog walking combo, jazzercise, playing on the wii.

I know this is all stuff I should be doing and some of it I do occasionally.  I'm just not going to be a fluff bunny any longer and ignore the changes that I must make daily in order to get the results I'm dreaming of.  What are those, you ask?

I'm not trying to lose a bajillion pounds (which in my case feels like a bajillion) I would, however…love to lose about 20-25 pounds.  I'd also like to tone up and tighten all that seems to be jiggly now.  (Toni, if you're reading…..pray for me, girl)  You know I'm a skinny person, inside.  Now I just have to retrain my habits and figure out how to feed my hungry family without caving in and eating all that they can eat.

Can I do it?  I'll let you know friends.  I will be posting a chubby picture because I've hit the point of hiding out from all photographs.  Coming soon, I promise.



Friday, November 23rd, 2012

As I sit here, sipping my candy coffee this morning….I'm thinking about all that God has done for me.  His guidance, His mercy & WOW, His forgiveness.  All of which I sometimes take for granted.  What a God, right?  I'm so pathetic!  He never stops blessing IN SPITE OF MY FOOLISHNESS!

Thank you, Lord.  I am not worthy.

Two of my kids are working today, the youngest is where many of her peers are….bed!  I cringe thinking about the Friday crazy going on outside my comfy warm house.  I can't think of anything I need or want bad enough to go out and face bad manners, aggressive bargain shoppers and grumpy tired store employees.  I mean it.  What is the pull to all of this?

I've been searching my own heart a little regarding just what it is that pushes us to seek such craziness for "stuff".

Am I allowing STUFF to be my purpose?  The reason I ask (myself) is because it is so easy to love stuff.  I don't want stuff to consume me to the point of ditching out on my family.  I know Black Friday shopping can be fun….but really?  Is it that much fun fighting all the crowds and unkindnesses that go along with it for some discounted prices?  I don't think so.  I never want stuff to take the place of my real responsibilities….my home & family.

Is the deal THAT GREAT?  Some may argue this with me and I don't care…there aren't any deals so wonderful that I'd miss sleep or put myself or loved ones on the road at wacky hours to score.  I love sleep and I love shopping but I'm not going to jeapordize either for the other.  Besides, I'm not sure if everyone knows this or not but the great prices are only for a limited time and on a VERY LIMITED amount of merchandise.  Why would I stand in line for hours for an item that won't even be there when I finally reach it?  No thanks.  Hello, online shopping!!

What do I REALLY need?  When I think about what I really need it never involves more stuff or a great deal on something.  Same goes for my family.  Neither of us NEEDS more stuff.  Oh, we like stuff and we'll probably buy more stuff between now and Christmas but we don't need any of it.  We really need more Jesus.  We need to utilize our time better so that we spend it wisely WITH HIM.  Each of us have pretty much everything we want (well, I'd love to replace my 14 year old car) and I can't fathom being hungry or going without REAL NEEDS because God has made sure I don't have to.  So, shopping til I drop is not what I need.

I don't want you to get the idea that I'm trash-talking you if you're a big Black Friday shopper because I'm not.  It's just not my thing and I've given you my reasons.  I'm happy to stay home.  I know there are deals but what about the retail employees?  I find it pretty sad that they have to work and endure the crowds who will trample a grandma for a wii gaming system or a tv.

I can only think of one Friday that deserves this much attention.

Can you?

My Reasons To Say Thanks

Thursday, November 22nd, 2012


My hubby is (hands down) THE BEST turkey cook in the world.  His "technique" is amazing!  Never have we had to eat a dried out gacky turkey.  This year was no exception.  Tender juicy and delicious turkey!!  My cornbread dressing wasn't too shabby either!


Me, peeking at the finished product.  I wish you could smell pictures!


All these two cared about was filling their stomachs, napping & football.  I have to admit, those were the highlights of my day too.


This poor old gal has had a rough day.  This cooking stuff wears her out.  She couldn't take the deliciousness of all the turkey snacks Dad gave her.  It was like doggy heaven.


This headshot is all you're getting…..I'm starting a diet MONDAY!!  Not even joking!  I actually paid $10 to join a weight-loss challenge at work.  I'm sick of looking chubby and not being able to wear my clothes.  The only problem?  I'm afraid….I'll fail.  Pray for me.  I don't think it's so easy to lose weight now that I'm forty-something!

I know many are gearing up for the biggest shopping day of the year…but my family and I are happy to stay home and let the bargain shoppers crawl all over one another.  I can't help but think about all the folks working in the retail world.  How cruddy it must be to leave their families to go into work where people are acting like crazy loons over great deals.  My prayers are with both groups, the shoppers and the employees.  There isn't a deal great enough to entice me out there.


Thank you for my life.  You have graciously covered me with blessings both in family and friends as well as material comforts.  I'm grateful for little things and big alike that make my life easier and more special.  I never want to take any of it for granted.
