Archive for May, 2013

Dear Gates

Friday, May 31st, 2013

mamas fave

It's the day before graduation and I should be cleaning the house and preparing the party food.  Instead, I'm here blogging about my mom heart regarding YOU.  You were the surprise baby that I almost didn't have.  Thankfully God knew just how special you'd be to our crazy family.  Not a day goes by that I don't say thank you to Him for knowing what was best for all of us.

gates eating

From that November day when we brought you home…laughter and joy have filled our lives.  You were funny from the very start!  Your chubby little tummy and puffy cute cheeks always commanding whatever room you were in.  It's no secret that you were a rascal!  It's also no secret that you stole the hearts of everyone who got near you and still do to this day.  Everyone loves to tease you about how bossy and wild you were….it's true.  I have video to prove it!  Everything was "MINE" and no matter how anyone tried to wrangle you….you would walk away wearing or holding whatever it was.  Sometimes it's easier to just hand over stuff!  wink

gates driving

You've outgrown that silly baby stuff now and I know this because I see your loving kindness in everything you do & say.  You have the sweetest spirit and the most caring heart.  I know that I can trust you to protect me and the rest of your family even if it kills you trying.  You're a fierce young woman who isn't afraid to be different.  I like that about you and someday so will your forever spouse.  Right now life seems like a waiting game — waiting for graduation day, waiting to go to college or hit it big, waiting on Mr. Wonderful, waiting to be a Mom, waiting to live like a real grown up….waiting!  I've been there and I know how it can feel like you're walking in molasses.  I'm here to tell you….enjoy it!

gates jetsetting 007

Thoroughly Moder Millie 032


What you'll soon see is how fast life passes by.  All these weekend nights spent at home because there's no one awesome to date….they'll seem fleeting when you meet someone who sweeps you off your high-heeled feet (I'm sure he'll be tall) and showers you with fun & adventure.  The tears you've cried over deciding what to do with your life will be a vapor in time when you are hustling to get ready in the mornings and racing off to a job you love.  The days of baby-sitting someone else's snotty nosed kids will remind you what NOT TO DO when you're facing your own little darlin's someday.  You'll even look at your dad & me with the reminders of how old we've turned in such a short time.


Your life is just beginning and all that God has for you is not just ahead….it's in the everyday stuff.  Each day something important takes place.  Don't forget to savor it and learn from it.  Never try to do it all on your own.  Let God be your guide and trust Him….He never misleads and He always knows best.  I know this firsthand.

That's how I ended up with YOU!

Happy Graduation Day!  I'm so proud of you!

class of 2013I hope all your dreams come true and if they don't that God gives you more than what your heart can dream.

I love you,


Brain Blocked

Thursday, May 30th, 2013

If you're a writer of any kind…..blogger, book author or content writer then you know how easy it is to sabotage your creative flow.  Something as simple as checking your email or twitter feed can paralyze your writing for hours on end.  It's crippling to the mind and destructive to the process!

I know this firsthand.  I have some really bad habits and I realize it's time for me to get down to business.  For several years I've had the book itch.  I've tried everything to shake it, I've even started a few books and set them aside.  They linger there in my Word files.  So, what do I do?  I ignore them!

At night I fall asleep with great intentions.  Tomorrow, I will wake up and write.  I will blaze a word trail that others will follow and fall in love with me forever.  But that's not the reality.  I wake up and get distracted immediately.  I disguise it as my morning routine but all it really is … is my lack of discipline.  Why write when there is a long feed of Facebook posts to browse?  Mindless chatter and time sucking distractions are everywhere on and off the internet….and I can find them if I wander around avoiding writing long enough.

I end up not writing a word.  Just thinking.  Which is dangerous for a brain like mine because I have a natural gift of over-thinking and turning all my good intentions into mush.  It's time for this queen to take charge and stop this procrastinating.  How am I going to do it?  I'm glad you asked.

 — Avoid distractions.  No reading on Facebook, Twitter or email until I've nailed down something creative in the mornings.

 — Write in time segments.  Set a timer, block off 30-60 minutes or make a date with my laptop.  Then stick to it!

 — Incubate the brain.  When nothing's coming….walk away and do something else.  Oftentimes, the mind just needs a little boost of energy that can come from a change of pace.  The trick is to NOT go looking on the internet.

 — Be accountable.  Find someone to hold me to the fire.  I've heard some writers even pay others to keep them on track.  That's incentive, for sure.

 — Remember WHY.  Why do I write anything at all?  Is it for myself only?  Do I write because it's my duty?  Or do I love it?  

 — Pray first.  One of my reasons for ever writing a word is to bless others.  I know I can't do that when I'm disconnected from God.  Prayer helps me feel which is key to blessing others.

There are no magic tricks to writing.  I've been blogging long enough to know that I can't pull a post out of a top hat.  It takes work.  It takes discipline and time.  So, pardon me while I get my passion on and start writing like there's no tomorrow.

Brain block be darned!


You Want Your Money?

Wednesday, May 29th, 2013

I just hung up the phone and cried.  I blame it on the PMS.  But nevertheless, life can be frustrating!  It can happen to the best of us, this much I know.  

Handling jerky people on the phone must be an artform that I haven't mastered yet.  Since I'm way past 40…I'm not sure I ever will either.  Still, I'm mad enough to flip my lid and that's kind of what I told the rude lady on the other end of the line.  Her answer?  Well, don't do that!  Grrrrrr!

Did you know….that a child living in your house that you pay to support because THEY ARE A DANG KID and still in school has to GIVE YOU permission to handle any of their business?  Like paying a medical bill?  No, really.  Did you know this?  All because she has turned 18!!  Let me throw in that she is a kid who doesn't have a job (she's in high school) and doesn't pay a single bill.  Especially a medical bill.


I imagine this sounds like I'm overreacting.  I can't help it.  Who creates these crazy rules?  Seriously!  I have to hand over every single record of proof of my income for my young adult kids to attend college and recieve any loans or grants but I can't set up a payment plan for a lab bill for my soon to be graduating daughter?  Thank you government from heck!  Well played, geniuses!  So, my question to her was am I to ignore this bill and let her be responsible for it?  She's a kid!  A kid who doesn't pay bills because she's a kid that doesn't have a job!

There was no happy ending here.  Hence the fact that I hung up and cried.  The rules are twisted.  I have no freedom no matter which way I turn.  I can't pay a medical bill without HER PERMISSION but yet I have to be responsible for anything having to do with my 3 young adult kids college bills!


Help me not to be so naive & emotional over stupid issues.  This is just a blip in my day but it pushes my mama buttons and I can't handle such lunacy!


Where To Stick Resentment

Friday, May 24th, 2013

Ever have one of those days….the kind that push you in a corner?  That make you feel frustrated and put out?  It's probably safe to say that we all do.  Life can be great and then turn cruddy with the speed of a Nascar driver.  The battle to keep resentful emotions at bay can be tough.  I know from experience.

So what can we do?

RECOGNIZE  — Life isn't really just out to get us.  It can seem like it is sometimes but it's not.  Stuff happens; husbands work too much, kids disrespect, bills get paid twice and you lose your prized possessions when you need them the most.  Recognize that those moments are just moments.  They do not represent all that life has to offer.  GOOD STUFF HAPPENS TOO!

REGROUP  —  It's so tempting to get even or lash out when you're feeling resentful.  Stop and take a moment to regroup mentally & emotionally.  Nothing is more harmful to relationships than over-reacting to a situation that just can't be helped.  GET IT TOGETHER!

REMIND  —  How easy it is to forget the BIG PICTURE!  Life is short.  Really short.  Don't waste time fretting over silly stuff that can't be changed.  Go with it.  Sometimes the stuff we feel resentful over is just what God is using to mold us & shape us….or better yet, it's something that He has a greater plan in mind and we're going to miss it if we don't get over ourselves!  BE HAPPY ANYWAY!

I was tempted to be a total baby on my blog today and whine about how frustrated I was with a "situation".  God said, "NOPE!".  Look for the blessings.  So, I did and you know what?  I feel so grateful for the way things are RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE!


sunny days

Summer Detox Begins

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

I’m starting summer off with a few of my favorite loves…


9+ months of early mornings take their toll on an old mama like me. So it’s likely to take several weeks for me to completely decompress.

I’m willing to suffer.

With the help of these two, of course.



This summer I plan to enjoy every minute of my life. I can’t forget how fleeting it can be — life can change in a flash.

Just take it from these chicks… They know.



Mama’s home y’all!! Let’s get this summer rollin!

Graduation Breakfast & More

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

It’s that day. The one I’ve been waiting for with mixed emotions. The day my baby celebrates her last school breakfast with her friends and teachers. Then lines up with the ones she’s grown up with and makes a practice walk through graduation.


Lined up with friends.

All dolled up too.


So many memories coming down to this day.

Waving to friends…


I can’t be more proud of my girl. Life is just beginning and her future is so very bright. I’m celebrating right alongside her. God is so good!

Happy last day (for real) Miss Gates!’