Archive for March, 2014

Lizzy Life

Monday, March 31st, 2014

This dog has the life…


She sleeps wherever she wants, even in dirty clothes hampers.


Her prerogative.

Snuggle here or there…

She loves selfies.




Roadtrips are her jam!!

She's not afraid of big mountains.  Or beds.


She's clearly a super sleuth.

Obviously she gets in a pickle here & there.

She climbs on everything.

Fashion is her weakness.

Even camping, dressed to kill!

Monkey bread mornings mean monkeying around.

She never shies away from a camera shot.

You won't find her wandering around in a blizzard.

She's much more careful when picking out affordable grooming.

No really,  my hair is fine.


You cannot quiet her when her fave song comes on…

Top of her lungs!

As you can see, it is exhausting being this awesome! 
She knows how to relax.

She thinks on things that make her happy.

And I love that she joins me for every hair color and warns me when I need to wear a scarf!!

I love her!

Life with Miss Lizzy.  She may be  one of the most loved dogs in the world.  I will never understand animal cruelty.   It is a window into the hearts of evil.

If you love your pets and they know it… rock!!  God has given us a great responsibility in caring for His creatures.  Please do your part!

Then and Now

Friday, March 28th, 2014

I catch myself off guard with emotion when I come across old pictures like these…


My sweet little Darlins!


Just babies.   Just yesterday.

Where did they go?


Places.  Everywhere.


And I’m so proud of them!

How fun it has been to watch them grow!

So,  weary &  tired Mama’s…. Hold tight.   Your then &  now’s will be here before you know it!

5 Good Reasons to Get Out of Bed

Thursday, March 27th, 2014

I’m not a morning person.  Not at all.  I don’t like talking or being sweet early in the morning.  Matter of fact, I’m what some might call a grouch in the mornings.  I don’t mean to be grumpy, I just wake up feeling really tired in the mornings. So, it takes me a little bit to get going.   I’ve figured out some handy ways to manage my attitude each day and trust me, being pro-active with attitude makes a huge difference in OUTLOOK.

Here are MY 5 GOOD reasons to get out of bed:

1 — Because I CAN!  I’m getting older by the minute and  I realize every single day is a gift.  Why waste it?  My life is worth feeling joyful about and so is yours!  Get up and be thankful God gave you one more day to live and love those around you.

2 — Someone is counting on me and you!  It’s true.  I don’t know who is or isn’t in your life but someone is expecting you (me).  Show up, and smile when you get there.

3 — It feels right!  Sleeping late is nice every once in a while, but really…getting up at a respectable hour helps your brain & body function at a much better pace.  Plus, you get to enjoy the whole day.  Of course, I’m talking around 8-9 am as a good wake up time because you know, mornings…

4 — Routines help us!  Our bodies thrive when we take good care of them.  Having a daily routine sets our body in motion to perform its best.  If you’ve raised a baby or two, then you know how important having a good routine is for functioning positively.

5 — Great things happen, every day!  I don’t want to miss anything awesome.  Ever.  I have found that when I get up and grab the tiger by the tail….something exciting always seems to happen.   It may be something simple like .73 cents credit in my Amazon account or a comment from a reader on my blog.  But I get it – all because I didn’t waste my morning by staying in bed.

It’s a fact, I’m up late every night.  That lifestyle makes it even harder to love mornings.  But remembering to seize the day (morning) really does help me be the better me.  And face it, the world NEEDS the best me!  And YOU!

I’m not always feeling my best.  Help me grab hold of every day with the positive outlook that honors You.

Dressed for Success

Wednesday, March 26th, 2014


In case you were wondering…

I am fully dressed today.   I went to bed last night wondering if I'd get called in to sub and woke up bright and early to that 6am phone call.


Most high schools don't take kindly to fuzzy bathrobes,  or so I hear.  Which is okay with me since getting dressed does wonders for your attitude.  Right?

I'm happy and it has to be related to getting up & at it…or the fact that I'm working in AP US History classes.  Smart people are fun!!

Speaking of smart people,  I miss my hubby.  Texas is going to keep him busy for months.  I know he hates being gone …but somebody's gotta do it.  Hunters want to hunt and they'll need a lodge to stay in.  Sulphur Bluff's Hageman Reserve opens in October!  If all goes as planned.

I can hang on a little longer.  For the sake of all those hunt club members.  I know it will be worth it!!

Have a great Wednesday!

Bathrobes All Day, Baby

Tuesday, March 25th, 2014

I didn't work today.  But that didn't stop the automated calling machine from calling me over 10 times!  I'll admit it, that's not a good thing for our "relationship"!  I'm not one to be bossed around, usually.  But when it comes to 6:03am through 8 something A.M. — it's probably safe to conclude I will be rebellious!   This dudette considers SLEEP a love language!

It's my own fault though.  I have a tiny bit of control over the calling and picking of work days.  With the exception of some "rules" shared during the Sub Training class…..turning off the calling mode is an admittance of YOU CAN'T COUNT ON ME TO WORK so they put you into the non-work day category.  I don't want a reputation, you guys!  So, instead of admitting that I was unavailable for today….I paid the Piper and fought with my ringing (yes it was on silent) phone all morning.

Then….got an email!

Boy, they're serious about subs around here!

I had no idea that I had signed up for a NO CHOICE part-time job.  I thought substituting was one of those no pressure-work-when-you-can jobs.  I'm not looking to make a career here.  Plus, I'm not willing to go where I don't feel my best.  Elementary and middle school grades are foreign missionary lands to me.  I am old enough to know what I'm best at and I'd like to think that I have some control over my life….therefore, I will handpick my jobs!  Ok, Aesop?

That's enough early morning banter.  You're probably wondering why I'm still in my bathrobe at 1pm in the afternoon.  Or not.  I have no solid excuse.  Other than I am being lazy and I woke up to a crazy snow day outside.  Lame, I know.  I kissed my hubby off to Texas this morning and had BIG PLANS to color my hair, exercise and wash the dog.  I'm still getting ready to do it.  All of it.  Really.

So now that I've admitted to such atrocious laziness….I'm getting jiggy with it and taking off this pink robe so I can cover my inch long gray roots.  To make it look like I'm a real go-getter, I'm even going to wash my bedding and the smelly dog!  Not together.

Don't call me.  I won't answer.  Even if you call 10 times!


Found It

Monday, March 24th, 2014

wpid-20140323_160738.jpgConsider this a happy announcement:  My lost camera has been found!!

I take zero credit for the finding of it.  But I totally own the losing of it back in good ole December.   Seems like I was in some sort of packing hurry.  My fave guy found it deep at the bottom of a tall box packed with framed art from our old family room.

I don't know what's wrong with me.

I lose things.  I search for things.  Constantly.

On Friday,  I bought a big beautiful sweet potato for a steak dinner I planned to cook over the weekend.  Yea, lost it!  Or perhaps the lady loading my groceries snagged it.  She looked hungry!  Either way, no potato for us… I cooked a package of frozen sweet potato patties.  Not the same, at least I could find them.

I've also been on the hunt for my flat iron since moving.  Finally,  I gave up and bought a new one YESTERDAY.  Guess what I found as soon as I got back home?  Yea, my stinking flat iron.   I'm beginning to think I have a problem.   Or many problems.

The best I can do is try to be more organized and then maybe….I won't lose everything!

I'm still doing the happy dance over my camera.  Thanks Honey!!